
Monday, November 8, 2010

Letter in the mail.

No riding today. :( Tomorrow I'll try route B to the barn in Conway. I'm concerned that the road will turn to dirt road, however today I saw that at least part of it is paved.

The letter of which I speak, is from Active Transportion Alliance in Chicago. They want me to renew my membership to their walking, biking, mass trans, "active transportation," organization. It's a great organization, though I don't know if they are too large. I like their advocacy approach.

Looking at routes for biking, as I said, I found two routes to Conway. The first one had you riding on 501. I sent a message to google about this route. 501 is not rideable because of traffic. I still have to ride on about 200 yards of it after serpentining through a covenant retirement community.

I broke my dad's wrench. One allen wrench broke off the tip on the seat. I was on primordial, "Depot Road," and I gave the wrench an extra umph and SnaP! (Spin Doctor's wrench.)

So even though not much happens on the road, there's still plenty of bike-related stuff to keep up with.

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